Friday, March 1, 2013

Blog post #1

The qualities that I expect from a 'Good Book' should be within all books. The main quality that I would like to see in a book is the fact that the story is good! A book with a good story not only keeps the reader reading, but it gives provoking thoughts to the reader on what could happen next, what they thought about the book, and gives a reference for other books the author may have written.
An other quality that should be featured, are the details. Giving very specific details really draws a strong image to the reader. It also gives a better perspective on what is happening in the story. Details, pictures, and descriptive language is a very large aspect to a good book, and should be included in every book.
The last quality that I expect to come from a good book is that it is easy to follow, and easy to read. If you're reading sentences with 12 letter words coming every 3rd word, it will be challenging to the reader to understand. Instead, words a lot of people will known should be used, but not to be used too much to the point it becomes repetitive. Books that are easy to follow gives the reader thoughts on what could happen next. It also can keep the reader hooked on the book until the end. 
These aspects that keeps the reading going is what I expect to get out of a good book.

1 comment:

  1. As a next step, could you refer to a book you are currently reading or have read - that contains or lacks these qualities?

    This was kind of the assignment Brandon: what MAKES the story good in your eyes? I am not sure what you mean when you say: 'gives a reference for other books the author may have written.'

    Stylistically: check your spelling of another (An other quality)
